The indisputable benefits of digitization in today’s business world do come at a price, however. New risks associated with increasingly intense and complex cyber-attacks emerge as we speak. As soon as you connect your business to the Worldwide Web, it becomes vulnerable to countless threats of hacking, abuse and online theft. The alarm is ringing loud for both organizations and governments across the globe because not a single industry or government sector is immune to cyber-crime.
The dark side of digital transformation
What is at stake?
The integrated and complex technological context nowadays means that new security threats are constantly lurking around all of your essential business assets, especially when they are in digital form. Finances, intellectual property, business information, reputation…
To cut a long story short, depending on its scale and severity, a successful cyber-attack can destroy or disrupt any company. Indeed, 20 per cent of the organizations which become victims of a cyber-attack end up out of business.
What defenses are available?
Protecting your assets from cyber-criminals is a never-ending race. To have the upper hand, first and foremost make sure that cyber-security is and remains high on your corporate agenda. However, this alone is not enough. Every business, large or small, should have an ITC Security Strategy and Program in place in order to effectively counter these risks. Organizations which do not have in-house expertise in this highly specialized and constantly evolving field can work with ICT security consultants to tailor the strategies and solutions which are most appropriate to their circumstances.