Vulnerability Assessment identifies known vulnerabilities in ICT infrastructure by using automated assessment mechanisms.
Vulnerability Assessment identifies known vulnerabilities in ICT infrastructure by using automated assessment mechanisms.
Vulnerability Assessment identifies known vulnerabilities in ICT infrastructure by using automated assessment mechanisms. It is often associated with, and integrated in, Penetration Testing.
While the assessment process is limited to exposing weaknesses in a system, Penetration Testing goes beyond and tries to exploit these weaknesses.
Our Vulnerability Assessment service performs an automated scan and then prioritizes the identified vulnerabilities on the basis of their impact, severity and likelihood. The main goal is to identify those vulnerabilities which have the potential to expose your assets to data loss or security breach.
The final deliverable is a report generated by an automated scanner and then proofread and approved by our experts. The report also includes a summary, classification of the identified
vulnerabilities and recommended actions for their remediation. The service is available on a recurrent basis in keeping with the vulnerability assessment process and best practices.
We are experienced and ready to help you take your cybersecurity to the next level.