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Mobile Application Security Assessment

Cyber Tech Group will assess a wide range of vulnerabilities within your mobile application(s), and rate each risk by its likelihood and impact to arrive at a final severity score.

Mobile Application Security Assessment

The Mobile Menace

In recent years, all of us have become highly dependent on smartphones and other mobile devices. Nowadays mobile apps are closely intertwined in our daily lives.

While we should be grateful for the convenience offered by mobile services, we should also be aware that, similar to their desktop peers, various mobile apps are vulnerable to various attack vectors. This is especially the case when your business logic is exposed to external users and therefore to client attacks. These attacks can target various security controls, including data management, communication channels or cryptography mechanisms, to name a few.

The Challenge

Accordingly, all user data, corporate information, and intellectual property must be secured against client attacks and handled properly across all mobile apps. This makes Mobile Application Security Testing crucial for addressing today’s security threats.

However, a one-size-fits-all approach to mobile app security testing would be inefficient, because every mobile application is unique and requires a different level of security.

Our Proposition

Cyber Tech Group will assess a wide range of vulnerabilities within your mobile application(s), and rate each risk by its likelihood and impact to arrive at a final severity score. The service includes execution of static code and/or dynamic analysis on your application’s source code, followed by manual verification of the results — a process which essentially filters out the false positives. The next graph illustrates the overall code analysis process. The analysis can be applied to both Android and iOS-based apps.

Creating a step-by-step mapping of the application functionality. data-flow, back-end API calls and business logic.

Application Profiling

Creating test-cases of abuse scenatios to identify business logic vulnerabilities in the application flow.

Test Case Generation

Reverse Engineering of the binaries for android (.apk) and IOS (.ipa) applications.

Binary Analysis

Identifying potential vulnerabilities based on data from source code review and dynamic analysis.

Vulnerability analysis

Performing manual exploitation and testing to identify the exploitable vulnerabilities from the back-end business logic.

Manual business logic testing

Comprehensive report of all security issues within the mobile application ecosystem.


Cyber Tech Group will employ the OWASP TOP 10 Mobile Security Testing Methodologies to assess the security of your mobile application(s).

We are experienced and ready to help you take your cybersecurity to the next level.

More about Security testing