If you are planning to embark on the Cloud, use our Cloud Security Due Diligence service for an independent assessment and full visibility of your potential cloud provider’s security capabilities and compliance.
Cloud security due diligence
Our Cloud Security Due Diligence service will help you understand how your cloud service vendors implement best practices, protect customer assets and meet the range of requirements in every service they provide. The cloud environment is constantly evolving and therefore it is difficult to readily detect and respond to threats.
Our service will help you identify and mitigate ICT Security Risks in cloud computing. It covers the 11 major security threats identified by the Cloud Security Alliance:
11 major security threats:
- Data breaches
- Misconfiguration and Inadequate Change Control
- Lack of Cloud Security Architecture and Strategy
- Insufficient Identity, Credential, Access and Key Management
- Account hijacking
- Insider Threat
- Insecure Interfaces and APIs
- Weak Control Plane
- Metastructure and Applistructure Failures
- Limited Cloud Usage Visibility
- Abuse and Nefarious Use of Cloud Services
The main deliverable from us is a report which assesses the cloud provider’s compliance against well-established security standards and frameworks.
Our service will provide you with:
- A full cloud assessment report, including an explanation of the impact which the transition from on-premise to the cloud will have on your other systems;
- An overview of selected cloud vendors’ performance in terms of security, features, and more;
- An analysis of your organizational structure and processes to identify any key areas for improvement;
- An assessment of your Disaster Recovery Strategy and Cybersecurity measures to ensure your business data is safe.
Ultimately, this service will increase the efficiency of your decision-making process.
We are experienced and ready to help you take your cybersecurity to the next level.